You can't clean with dirty hands. ccs
It was easy to lie to people who still believed in the truth. Alice Hoffman
People don't expect too much from literature. They just want to know they're not alone with being confused. Jonathan Ames
I took no pleasure in religious ceremonies. They were too long, and the food came only at the end. V. S. Naipaul
The survival of poetry depends on the failure of language. Robert Bringhurst
Words are like fish, flashes of substance and meaning in the liquidity of language. Julie Sedivy
A careful question is, after all, a sort of answer. Julian Barnes
He was an old man now, and had never see it coming. Lin Enger
There are two things that are the mark of genius: one is non-stop buzzing in the brain, the other seeing the next move when there is no next move. Niall Williams
Why do we get married? To fill in some of the gaps. ccs
You live long enough you understand prayers can be answered on a different frequency than the one you were listening for. Niall Williams
Because there were fewer sources of where to find out anything, there was more listening. Niall Williams
We speak not only to tell others what we think, but to tell ourselves what we think. Oliver Sacks
The path to victory is to win first, and then go to war. Sun Tzu
The trouble with politics is that it often comes down to who is the better liar. ccs
There is no true responsibility without awareness. Gabor Maté
The multiplication of laws undermines the rule of law. James Madison
Your obligation is not discharged by any common rite. What you do you must do on your own. James Joyce
The basic problem is that the federal government is careless with taxpayer money. Charles Silver & David Hyman
A political party is an organized attempt to get control of the government. E. E. Schattschneider
Attention is suffering's lesson. Stay alert, stay inquisitive. The important part might come in a form you do not recognize. Sarah Manguso
Respect the reality that already exists. ccs
Time is eternity living dangerously. John Moriarty
May we all be our better selves most of the time. ccs
What I loved, aside from the work of gardening, was the self-forgetfulness of the labour, the immersion in a kind of trance of attention that was as unlike daily thinking as dream logic is to walking. Olivia Laing
Much of life boils down to finding the shortcut to the cheese. Joseph T. Hallinan
We don't learn from experience because we're not sure which experience to learn from. Joseph T. Hallinan
We are not atoms in a mindless universe but agents in a metaphysically alert one, embodied and embedded in meanings we jointly create. Charles Taylor
Where else would the spirit be, but embedded in matter? Anne Michaels
The universe offers up, and we pass it along. ccs
We know life is finite. Why should we believe death lasts forever? Anne Michaels
Everyone has a relationship with death. Dying is the most ordinary thing you will ever do but also the most radical. Sebastian Junger
Prediction is the key to almost all human behavior. Mary-Frances O'Connor
Once distortions creep into our shared narratives, they can be incredibly difficult to root out. Charan Ranganath
Generosity is not transactional. ccs
If the human brain were so simple that we could understand it, we would be so simple that we couldn't. Emerson W. Pugh
Don't feel you have to offer an opinion on something you don't know a lot about. Perlmutter, Campbell, & MacCoun
A person can go a long way with a narrow skill set. David Bradley
The earnest practice of friendship requires us to be rather better than most of the time we really are. Joseph Epstein
Life is the sum of habits disturbed by a few thoughts. Paul Valéry
There is no such thing as atheism. The only choice we get is what to worship. David Foster Wallace
Loneliness obfuscates. Giovanni Frazzetto
Seeing is not a passive process of receiving data; it's an active process of prediction and correction. David Brooks
Science doesn't unweave the rainbow. Helen de Cruz
...because it matters. ccs
If it can't be reduced, reused, repaired, rebuilt, refurbished, resold, recycled or composted, then it should be restricted, redesigned or removed from production. Pete Seeger
All of us would be better investors if we just made fewer decisions. Daniel Kahneman
Adversity is the state in which man most easily becomes acquainted with himself, being especially free of admirers then. John Wooden
There is a necessary wisdom in the give-and-take of nature -- its quiet agreements and search for balance. There is an extraordinary generosity. Suzanne Simard
The encumbering elements of our histories must be spoken aloud, at least in the caverns of our brains, if we wish for them to take up wings. Laird Hunt
Forgetting (he is learning) is how how world heals itself. Anthony Doerr
Grief is among other things a loss of rhythm. Patrick Bringley
If you want to know if something is funny, see if it makes you laugh. If you want to know if a painting is beautiful, see if it evokes an equivalent response, one as definite as laughter though usually quieter and shyer to emerge. Patrick Bringley
The single biggest problem with communication is the illusion it has taken place. George Bernard Shaw
He chose to think freely, and that made his tribal membership impossible. Ian Buruma, about Spinoza
Governments don't like to govern, but they like to control. Human freedom always takes a back seat. Andy Kessler
Wit is the swiftest motion of the brain, thought at its most natural, agile, active, and self-governing. Margaret Cavendish
Your "we" is not my "we". ccs
No graceful way out of manners. Hernan Diaz
Poetry should be precise about the thing and reticent about the feeling. Wei T'ai
This thing is not happening to you. It is happening for you. Lane Florsheim
Let's give thanks. Levi, age 3
Belief was not about actually believing; belief was simply somewhere to shelve hope. Mick Herron
He had learned that the cure for fate was patience. Colum McCann
The truth is obtained like gold, not by letting it grow bigger, but by washing off from it everything that isn't gold. Leo Tolstoy
There's no such thing as good writing, there's only good rewriting. Scott Pelley
Credulity and falsehood copulate, and give birth to opinion. Paul Valéry
When people show you who they are, believe them the first time. Maya Angelou
Symptoms are neither causes nor diagnoses. ccs
Religion offers a compass but not a map. Michael Luo
Some things are better than others, and civilization depends on choosing the better ones. David Hoopman
Darkness is not empty. It is information at rest. Teju Cole
You don't venture into a wilderness expecting to find a paved road. C. Walton Lillehei
Whenever I don't know what to do, I watch what I am doing. Elizabeth Strout
Scars have the strange power to remind us that our past is real. Cormac McCarthy
Do not free a camel from the burden of his hump; you may be freeing him from being a camel. G. K. Chesterton
But the absence of a thing will loom larger than its presence... Maddie Mortimer
It's not the note you play that's the wrong note -- it's the note you play afterward that makes it right or wrong. Miles Davis
What we see depends on what makes sense in the moment. Andy Clark
Diversity requires scale and connectivity. David Quammen
We can do some things badly and still feel good about having done them, and some things well and still feel badly about not having done them better. Equilibrium of the mind is achieved by doing both. Adam Gopnik
When you have no expectations, reality has an easier time impressing you. Sebastian Modak
There's no way of knowing what will really count until later, and then it's too late. Better choose. B. D. McClay
The best gift you can give someone is to get yourself together. Wendy Palmer
Justice is only ever retrospective. It can never right a wrong. Gerard Baker
This is temporary. bumpersticker
There is no us and them. It's just us. Hayley Campbell
Incompetence doesn't recognize itself. David G. Meyers
Sometimes the key arrives long before the lock. Rebecca Solnit
Each place is itself only, and nowhere repeated. Miss it and it's gone. Barry Lopez
When you get to the top, always remember to send the elevator back down. Satchmo
The chief engine of change is conversation. Evan Wolfson
Nothing is anything unless there's another thing. Cormac McCarthy
Pain narrows your bandwidth. ccs
Only an act of liberation, not instruction, can overcome stupidity. Bonhoeffer
There was nothing wrong with having a good time as long as she didn't have to have one herself. Kate Atkinson
Little by little, and also in great leaps, Life happened to me. Pablo Neruda
Lives are long, and hard to see. Joshua Rothman
If light travels so fast, how come the afternoons are so long? Charles M. Schulz
A sudden reconfiguration of your past can change the fit and feel of your adulthood. Boldness, by definition, flouts the math that precedes it. Jennifer Egan
The Holy Land is everywhere. Black Elk
Biology is still an experimental and observational science made up of many small and seemingly disparate insights. Time is the one thing that evolution has had plenty of. Russell G. Foster and Leon Kreitzman
The great human error is to reason in place of finding out. Simone Weil
Environment is the influence upon each inner mind of the thing shared by every inner mind; it is the common layer of air which we all breathe -- the filament which binds our separate lives. Benton MacKaye
Out of a whole lifetime, by God, sometimes the only thing that saves a person is error, and I know that we shall not be saved so long as our error is not precious to us. Clarice Lispector
Hope is not the conviction that something will turn out well, but the certainty that something makes sense, regardless of how it turns out. Vaclav Havel
The wind, one brilliant day, called. Antonio Machado
"...not so much that you are moving in a better way, but that you like what you are doing more." Elaine Yoder (Feldenkrais class)
Memory changes shape as it transforms into nostalgia. Linda Holmes
Complex systems like living organisms need to allow some things to change in order for other things to stay the same. Anil Seth
We need one another to be able to see and understand this world of ours. ccs
The brain knows more than the conscious mind reveals. Antonio Damasio
We humans are creatures of excess, and this is what makes us simultaneously the most creative and the most destructive of all species. David Graeber and David Wengrow
Self-regulation depends on having a friendly relationship with your body. Bessel Van der Kolk
The faculty of voluntarily bringing back a wandering attention, over and over again, is the very root of judgment, character, and will. William James
There is no limit to what a man can do...if he doesn't mind who gets the credit. William Strickland
Language is the only homeland. Czeslaw Milosz
If you don’t want to suffer, if you don’t want to be tormented by regret, the only solution is to live every minute you are given in a deep way. That’s all there is to it. Thich Nhat Hanh
We're always rationally explaining and articulating things. But we're at our most intelligent in the moment just before we start to explain or articulate. Great art occurs -- or doesn't -- in that instant. George Saunders
Magic is always impossible. It begins with the impossible and ends with the impossible and is impossible in between. That is why it is magic. Kate DiCamillo
Without friction, we lose our footing. Julian Lucas
He did each single thing as if he did nothing else. Charles Dickens
The trick wasn't necessarily having less fear, it was finding more courage. Louise Penny
Let each man hope and believe what he can. Charles Darwin
Don't let someone who hasn't been in your shoes tell you how to tie the laces. social media
There is no greater barrier to understanding than the assumption that the standpoint which we happen to occupy is a universal one. H. Richard Niebuhr
The distance between us is holy ground. Raphael Jesús Gonzáles
Experience is what you get when you don't get what you want. Roger Maltbie
My secret is to start right away doing whatever little work I can do. I try to give joy to one person in the morning, and remove the suffering of one person in the afternoon. Sister Chan Khong
Better is possible. ccs
The path is made visible as we walk it. Narayan Helen Liebenson
The only learning curve worth being on is a steep one. Tahir Shah
Organisms self-organize. Merlin Sheldrake
On the most basic level, our task is to endure until life has a chance to teach us what we need to know. Narayan Helen Liebenson
Wherever you are is the entry point. Kabir
So much to do still, all of it praise. Derek Walcott
What is the body? Endurance. What is love? Gratitude. What is hidden in our chest? Laughter. What else? Compassion. Rumi
Every place, like every person, is elevated by the love and respect shown toward it, and by the way in which its beauty is received. Richard K. Nelson
Three things cannot remain long hidden: the sun, the moon, the truth. the Buddha
Happiness does not depend on being happy. Anne Michaels
Nothing works that isn't authentic. Peggy Noonan
Long life, honey in the heart, no evil, thirteen thank yous. Martin Praechtel
Even after all these years, the sun never says to the earth, "You owe me". Hafiz
Our task is to embody what we have found to be of use. ???
Trust is earned in the smallest of moments. It is earned not through heroic deeds, or even highly visible actions, but through paying attention, listening, and gestures of genuine care and connection. Brené Brown
I have no sympathy with people who find unpopularity embittering. Marianne Moore
My actions are my only true blessings. the Buddha
Be a good doorway. Robert Nadeau
Poverty is not lack of stuff but lack of choice. ccs
Penicillin was discovered by accident. One must keep the petri dishes ready. Richard Powers
I love a broad margin to my life. Henry David Thoreau
My business is circumference. Emily Dickinson
It turns out I have an aversion to cooperative endeavors of all sorts. I love the solitary, the hermetic, the cranky self-taught. Kay Ryan
People have grain. Kathy Park (sculptor)
The only way to thrive in a marriage is to become a better person. David Brooks
Attention is the fundamental literacy. Howard Rheingold
Information under-represents reality. Jaron Lanier
Never, ever, try to impress someone. Augustin Burroughs
When in doubt: move closer; delve deeper; imagine larger; wait longer. ccs
It's only weird if it doesn't work. Beer ad